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  • Photography by Sandra

Guest Blogger; Obama is not my kid’s mama!

Posted by Sandra on September 7, 2009

Children are so impressionable.  It doesn’t take much appeal to get them on board for a project.  Last year, I had my fill of fundraisings. Some I didn’t mind; however, when they started coming home begging me to give them a dollar to wear a hat for Diabetes or Cancer or some other fundraiser, I hit the limit of my endurance.  I was sick of my little guys’ hearts being manipulated for money.

Let me give another example.  If my husband and I were divorced (which we aren’t), and I asked my children to ask their dad for the child-support payment, I would be taken to task by the government’s Child Services.  I would be chasitised for manipulating my children to achieve an ends.

Which is what I think some of those school fund-raisers do–or rather that is how they go about soliciting funds–by preying on the tractable hearts and minds of my children.

Children are so responsive to cries for help.  They do not see the “man behind the curtain” as in The Wizard of Oz.  They do not doubt that the person asking them for help has ulterior motives.  They are like little birds in the nest, happily opening their mouths to swallow the food their mother bird, or others that the mother bird trusts, drops down their gullets.

Based on this reasoning, I do not want my little guys listening to Tuesdays speech, beamed into my children’s classrooms, without parental guidance.  How many of those children will think the president is directly talking to their classroom or their school.  Imagine! The president needs their help!  “Gee, Mom, President Obama says I can help him.  He wants me on his side.  Wow-I need 3 ways to help him.  My teacher helped me come up with a plan.”

My malleable, trusting sons will come home telling me we need to help the President of the United States implement his socialist agend.  Then Iwill be the bad guy because I do not believe in his plans.

My high school students are different.  We have discussed politics, our beliefs, and history.  I am a firm believer that you need at leat 3 reasons to believe what you believe.  You just cannot believe because your mama or daddy does.  Understanding why you stand for something is critically important.

Faithful did his sophomore paper on the difference between capitalism and socialism.  Most of the students in his class seemed to think that socialism was the way to go.  “Everybody should get equal pay,” they said.  “After all, not everyone gets the same opportunities.” My son responded, “Well, do you want the garbage man doing brain surgery on you? “   

Marx’s ideological theory, “From everyone according to his ability to everyone according to his need” is the foundation of exploitation and reducation of freedom.  There is no American Dream in socialism.

Our forefathers fought to keep the government out of our life, our religion, our dreams, and out of how we raise our children.  A president attempting to beguile each child in America, trying to get little children to promote his agenda, doeson’t seem like the government that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison established.

When President  Obama goes into each classroom, bypassing our own community checkpoints like our school boards, bypassing parents–it sure seems like government is getting pretty personal, pretty intimate with our day-to-day life.

Even more insidious is that he knows those children will go home all pumped up, like they do for those fundraisers, begging their parents to support a president whose plans they cannot even begin to understand.  They just want to help. When their parents do not jump on the bandwagon with them, guess who ends up being the bad guy? The government driving a wedge between parents and children sure doesn’t sound like my America.

On Tuesday, my two youngest sons will be having ice cream with me and their dad while President Obama speaks.  We’re going to be reading the Preamble and Article 2 of the Constitution.  We might even talk about what President James Madison, the 4th president of the United States, thought when he wrote the Federalist Paper 45.

In Matthew 22:21,  Jesus says to “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” So far, in American, my children do not belong to our government.  They belong to their parents.  Let us keep it that way!

3 Responses to “Guest Blogger; Obama is not my kid’s mama!”

  1. What an honor to be a guest blogger! I didn’t realize it was unofficially National Keep Your Kids Home From School Day! Don’t these people realize there’s no one more passionate about raising their kids than mothers! Getting a bunch of us fired up is akin to a swarm of agitated bees when someone’s trying to steal the treasure of the hive!

    Also, I love your story about what happened to geriatric mama!

  2. Ann Wicke said

    I am fairly conservative, but I am sending my kids to school because I want my kids to hear all sides of the debate and digest and learn for themselves- I am free range mother- kids learn and digest from the world -and they come home to me. I may not agree with Obama but he is our president- of this country, this great country.
    I think the office deserves respect -even if I disagree- I can explain that after school.

    • Sandra said

      But see, I DON’T respect him. He’s a liar, he’s deceived Americans, he’s friends with anti-American people, he’s lied about being Christian (no one can be a true Christian that went to a church for decades that proclaimed to hate America, etc. etc. etc… this was not a Christian church!), the list goes on. He has ZERO respect from me, and that’s the message I’m sending the kids too. You don’t respect someone that hides information and lies to millions of people. The whole church thing disturbs me considerably, as does Ayers and Otard’s subsequent lies about that.

      Nope, he’s not deserving of one iota of my respect, nor my kids’ respect. I would never want them to learn that someone who hates their country, hangs around someone (even funds parties for them!) who wants to kill Americans, and tithes to a church for years that preaches “God Damn America” is deserving of any respect or loyalty. Yup, it’s the perfect lesson for my boys and girls.

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